(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)
第1题:You have made a few mistakes in your composition but you have done well.
A. on the whole B. generally speaking C. on the other hand D. first of all
讲解:【解析】on the whole意为《大体上;基本上;总的来说》,与题意相符。B一般说来 C 另一方面 C首先。
第2题: 美国细菌学家卡梅隆·柯里在《科学》杂志发表了研究论文,声称从5000万年前开始,以真菌为生的蚂蚁就有了自己的抗生素。研究者对一种名叫《真菌蚂蚁》的蚂蚁身上的白色斑点进行研究,发现不同的《真菌蚂蚁》依靠种植不同的真菌类蘑菇来作为唯一的食物来源。这些蚂蚁的嘴巴和前肢上隐藏着许多细小的腺窝,里面寄生着一种能产生抗生素的细菌。这些腺窝有一些细小的孔通向蚂蚁身体外部,这样它们就可以将抗生素传播给作物。抗生素可以杀死会使作物生病的寄生虫,从而确保它们主人的食物来源不受破坏。 这种蚂蚁腺窝的特殊结构使得蚂蚁与作物的这种共生关系非常和谐。研究者发现,一些近缘的、不种植真菌的蚂蚁身上则没有腺窝,也没有寄生菌。 科学家们研究了中美洲热带丛林中的切叶蚁的生活习性。切叶蚁只种一种蘑菇,这相当于人类的单一作物制,虽然开始时产量高,但重复种几季以后很容易遭受病虫害侵袭,人类是采用轮作不同作物来解决问题的。生物学家们采用基因分析法,确定了切叶蚁所种的菌种是源于2300万年前的单一菌株,从未换过品种,却能延续至今。 这个谜由多伦多大学的C·R·居里解开了。居里对包括切叶蚁在内的22种蚂蚁进行了仔细观察。他首先发现蚂蚁的蘑菇农场偶尔也会受到一种名为Es-covopsis的霉菌感染,使蘑菇在几天内全部死光,结果是整穴蚂蚁全部饿死。但尽管如此,切叶蚁还是有办法控制这种灾难。其奥秘在于,雌蚁会排出寄生在身上的活细菌分泌出的链霉素。切叶蚁蘑菇园中那些忠于职守的蚂蚁勤于察看,一发现Es-covopsis霉菌就用随身携带的链霉素就地将之消灭,以防止其蔓延。而且这种链霉素还能刺激蘑菇的生长,真是一举两得。切叶蚁分群时,蚁后将蘑菇菌种含在口中,连同随身的会分泌链霉素的细菌带到新穴传种,所以切叶蚁的单一品种的蘑菇农场能延续至今,历经千万年而不衰。人类所用的抗生素多次使用后会使病菌产生抗药性而导致药效减弱,但蚂蚁所用的抗生素却并未使病菌产生抗药性。卡梅隆·柯里研究小组发现,蚂蚁身上的抗生素不但是蚂蚁赖以战胜自然环境的法宝,亦是人体必需的抗生素,今后应可仿此研发新一代的抗生素,更有效地治愈人类的疾病。下列对《真菌蚂蚁腺窝》的特殊结构或功能的理解,不正确的一项是( )
A. 蚂蚁的嘴巴和前肢上隐藏着许多腺窝,这些腺窝非常细小。 B. 蚂蚁的腺窝里寄生着一种细菌,这些细菌能产生抗生素。 C. 为将抗生素传播给作物,蚂蚁的每一个腺窝上都有一个小孔通向身体外部。 D.传播出的抗生素可杀死使作物生病的寄生虫,确保蚂蚁的食物来源不受破坏。
第3题:I missed the last bus, so I ________go home on foot.
A.must B.had to C.may D.would
第4题:Which of the following is Not True according to the passage(段落)?
A. In America the students have to pass certain test to continue their education.B. Young children needn't work hard at their lessons because education is free.C. Those who fail in the S—A—T cannot go to college.D. The students must spend much time preparing for the S—A—T.
讲解:【解析】选择不正确的一项。通读全文可知A正确。SAT的重要性在第三四两段阐述的很详细,C正确,D正确。 B:小孩不用努力学习是因为教育免费。错误。第一段最后一句here is no reason at such an early age for them to hit the books.可知。选B
第5题:A、after B、since C、until D、before
讲解:在南丁格尔出名之后 选A
第6题:________ everything means to know nothing.
A. To know B. Knowing C. One knows D. You know
第7题:A. limited B. rich C. enough D. long
第8题:A.running after B.making fun of C.taking care of D.calling on
讲解:【解析】 run after 追逐 make fun of 取笑 take care of 照顾 call on召集 根据句义,比赛失败本就难过,如果还有人在比赛结束后取笑于你,那肯定很烦恼。选B
第9题: Passage B 《It hurts me more than you》 and 《This is for your own good》 are what my mother used to say years ago when I had to learn French, clean my room, stay at home and do homework. However, today the story is quite different. Most parents take a let-alone policy. We parents stopped making our children do homework. We gave them computers, turned on the TV for them, left the teaching to the teachers and took them to go on holidays.come to know that we've made a terrible mistake. One such teacher says of her students---《so passive(被动的)》 and believes their passivity has something to do with TV. 《We are talking about a generation of children who have never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will do it for them. Instead of saying 《go and do it yourself》 you tell them the answer. It takes great courage to say 《no》 to child. Yes, it's time for parents to end their holidays and come back to work. It's time to turn the TV off, to tell them 《it hurts me more than you》 and 《it's for your own good》. It's time to start telling them 《no》 again.When the writer was a child, his mother ______.
A. was very strict with himB. took a let-alone policyC. offered him enough time for playD. didn't take good care of him
第10题:— _____ when you cross the street. There's so much traffic.—Yes, I will.
A. Take care B. Make sure C. Look out D.Be careful
讲解:【解析】take care保重 make sure确保 look out不跟从句,要单独使用。表示小心。Be careful 表示小心,可跟从句。选D
第11题:Could you do me a favor?
A.give me some food to eat. B .give me help C. give me my favorite books to read D.give me a dog
讲解:do me a favor帮我一把。选B
第12题: Passage CDo you often feel tired lately? Have a doctor said he can't find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he advises you to take a physical examination, but all the advanced(高级的)equipment shows that there is nothing wrong with you.Then, consider this: You might be in a state of sub-health.Sub-health, also called the third state or grey state, is explained as a borderline state between health and disease. Experts have found out that people who work in management positions as well as students around the exam-week are more likely to suffer sub-health. They may feel depressed, anxious or under stress.Sub-health symptoms(症状)are a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions and poor memory. Some other symptoms may include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.According to some medical experts, the key to preventing and recovering from sub-health is to form good living habits, alternate(结合)work and rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open-air activities.As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruit and fish because they are rich in nutrient elements that are important to the body.Experts also point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive(消化)system. They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub-health.The last but not the least, the help and understanding of family and friends are especially important. Sometimes life can become very much difficult to cope with. Then more help may be needed.
Sub-health is a kind of _______.A. diseaseB. anxiousnessC. unhappinessD. a borderline state between health and disease
讲解:【解析】第三段第一行Sub-health, also called the third state or grey state, is explained as a borderline state between health and disease. 选D
第13题: Passage ASCHOOL REPORTName: George Bradley School: Stony Brook High SchoolGrade: 7 Term ending: 8, MaySubjects:MathematicsHe can work out many difficulties. Well done.ScienceHe is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.EnglishHe is the best in the class. Keep it up.SpanishHis reading is very good, but can sing pop songs very well.HistoryHe is not so good at this, but he has done better than before.GeographyHe is familiar with the names of many places in the world.MusicHe doesn't like classical music, but can sing pop songs very well.Conduct: __fair__ No. in class: _9___ Absences: _8__Remarks(评论):George has the ability to do a lot better. We look forward to his better performance next term.Class teacher: Michael BoltonPrincipal: Robert JohnsonSchool reopens: 11, August
Which of the following subjects is NOT mentioned in the School Report?A.Spanish B.English C.Physics D.Geography
第14题:下列语句中成语使用不恰当的一项是( )
A.研究结果表明,那些心态平和、性格开朗、胸怀宽广的人比那些愁眉苦脸、孤独紧张、忧心忡忡的人出现精神疾患的概率要少50%。 B.对于在战略上的调整使该公司必须做出选择:要么联手业内巨头,强势逼宫,使对手就范;要么急流勇退,套现获利,回归软件市场。 C.上海世博会展示了众多国家和地区科技和文化的精华,像这样规模空前的活动,我们能有机会躬逢其盛,实在难得。 D.现在我们单位职工上下班或步行,或骑车,为的是倡导绿色、地毯生活。尤为可喜的是,始作俑者是我们新来的局长。
第15题:Beijing was attacked by such a terrible rainstorm _____ few citizens had ever experienced before.
A. which B. that C. as D. who
讲解:【解析】such...that 如此……以至于……选B
第16题:There is _________ I want to tell you.
A. something important B. important somethingC. important the something D.the important something
第17题:A. weighing B. getting C. selecting D. accepting
讲解:动词辨析。A. 重,称量;B.获得,到达;C. 挑选;D.承认,接受。联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,我得到多少。故选B。
第18题:It is expected that educated people will be able to ________.
A. accept education as a way of living B. take an interest in the whole world C. develop their abilities to make plays D. learn subjects like language and math
讲解:【解析】根据第三段Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and most of all take an interest in the world.描述,可知选B。
第19题:Violins made today .
A. can be the same shape as the old ones B. sound the same as the old onesC. are a bit better than the old ones D. have the same varnish as the old ones
讲解:【解析】今天我们制作的小提琴 A 可以和以前的小提琴有相同的形状 B 听起来和以前的小提琴音色相同 C 比以前的小提琴更好些 D 和以前的小提琴有相同的漆。 从文章中我们可知如今的小提琴不受音乐家喜欢,在音色不如以前,烤漆也和以前的不一样。
第20题:A.he B. egg C. dress D. bed
讲解:A、/i:/ B、/e/ C、/e/ D、/e/