
2016/1/25  求学参考网  阅读:  【放大镜】  












(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)




A.对劳动教养人员应当实行赏罚分明的奖惩制度,惩罚面要小,奖励面要大。  B.我们党有很多同志坚持把马列主义的普遍真理同革命实践相结合的原则,坚持学习马列主义、毛泽东思想,这是很好的。  C.小碑座的四周,雕刻着以牡丹花、荷花、菊花等组成的八个大花圈,这些花朵象征着品质纯洁、高贵、坚忍。  D.这些问题究竟能不能解决,解决得是不是正确,关键在于我们是否能够理论联系实际。





A.莫泊桑是十九世纪下半叶法国重要的批判现实主义作家。他与俄国的契诃夫、美国的欧·亨利并称为世界三大短篇小说大师。 B.莫泊桑的代表作有短篇小说《羊脂球》、《项链》,长篇小说《漂亮的朋友》、《包法利夫人》。 C.《项链》原名《首饰》,作者以项链的借、丢、赔展开情节,故事写得曲折有致,特别是结尾耐人寻味。 D.主人公玛蒂尔德的主要性格是爱慕虚荣、追求享乐,但并非只是如此,在小说的后半部分她所表现出现的倔强和自尊,揭示了她性格的另一方面。




3题:This site is __________(分为) 5 zones.

A.turned into        B.changed into     C.divided into      D.turned off


讲解:A.使...变成...      B.变成,兑换    C.分为    D.关闭


4题:What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Say I love youmore to your family.B. Say I love you a lot to Chinese people .C. Say I love you as a greeting to others.D. Say I love you without great depth of feelings.




5题:—Do you have enough students to carry the boxes?—No. I think we need ______students.

A. another          B. two others        C. more two         D. two more


讲解:【解析】额外几个 要用数词加more 故选D


6题:A. am          B. is             C. are         D. be





7题:下列表述不符合原文意思的一项是(   )

A.生物能源的无节制生产将对日益宝贵的土地资源和水资源产生进一步的压力。  B.太阳能在生产过程中也存在高能耗、高污染问题,如处理不当将对环境造成极大破坏。  C.关于绿色能源的争议涉及的能源类别有:生物能源、太阳能、水能和风能等。  D.水电站的修建会导致水质污染、沼气排放、生态多样性危机、湿地消失、泥沙淤积、地震等环保问题。




8题:A. worse      B. word          C. short         D. world



讲解:A/ɜ:/     B/ɜ:/      C/ɔ:/      D/ɜ:/ C



A.搭讪(shān  哽咽(yè)      扣人心弦(xuán)B.联袂(mèi)     (jǐ)      叱咤(zhà)风云C.溯(shuò)源  装帧(zhēn)    针砭(biǎn)时弊D.灼(zhuó)    (qiǎo)    浮想联翩(piān




10题:A. how     B. when     C. where      D. why





11题:A. moved           B. disappointed           C. surprised               D. satisfied



讲解:【解析】surprised 表示惊讶。选项moved干扰度比较大,需要对全文的态度进行把握,文中进行到这里并没有很明显的作者的正面态度出现,证据就在于他的那个问句:你知道她不认识你,还是每天早上要去陪她?这句话显然不是一个正面态度的体现,而真正的态度转正的地方在倒数第二段,他忍住泪水,所以这里不能选moved这个表示正面态度的词语。


12题:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Haibao has curly hair and a smiling face.B. Haibao looks like a man saying hello to everyone.C. The artists who designed Haibao come from the same place.D. Haibao is a lucky name in Chinese culture.


讲解:A正确:Haibao’s hair is like the wave of the sea. Its smiling face shows its friendliness. B正确: It really looks like a man putting up his hands and saying hello to everyone. C错误:Haibao was designed by two artists, one from Shanghai and the other from Taiwan. D“Hai” means the sea in English, and it also implies(隐含)that it was born in Shanghai. “Bao’ is a lucky name in Chinese traditional culture. C


13题:The doctor suggests we’d better not stay in a place ______somebody is smoking

Athat               Bwhich               Cwhen                Dwhere


讲解:定语从句关系代词的选择。Where=in whichD



A.月球探测工程是我国进行深空探测所迈出的至关重要的一步,也是中国航天事业继人造卫星发射、载人航天成功之后的第三个里程碑。   B.经国家有关部门鉴定:打字通输入法易学、好记、快速、规范的特点,成为国家重点推广的项目,同时作为电脑基础教材,进入大学、中学、小学的必修课堂。   C.在全国上下的共同努力下,《非典》被控制住了,人们的心理暂时得到了平静,可是,谁能担保它会不会卷土重来?   D.美国有关情报部门日前承认,两架中国战斗机在一架美国电子侦察机与其中一架碰撞之前曾向它发出过警告。




15题:What can the elephant do?

A. Ride bikes, play football and play the harmonica.       B. Ride bikes, sing and play the harmonica. C. Ride bikes, play basketball, dance and play the harmonica. D. Ride bikes, dance and play the guitar.




16题:Open the window so that _____ if the building is on fire.

A. you can get fresh air    B. you can call for help      C. you can easily jump off    D. you can be seen first


讲解:Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leak () into the room.A


17题:A. buy              B. order                 C. use                   D. produce





18题: Passage D    50 years ago Barbie Millicent Roberts first appeared in the world of toys. Barbie, as everyone called her, has become the most successful toy in history. According to Barbie's parents, the Mattel Company, 90% of all American girls between 3 and 10 have at least one Barbie at home.    In today's world, however, Barbie is facing an identity crisis. There are many rivals on the market. For example, Bratz dolls, which are very popular among older girls, came to life seven years ago. They look more like today's pop stars with heavy make-up(浓妆)and fashionable miniskirts. Today Bratz is a challenge for Barbie, because the company offers a wide variety of clothing, too.    It seems that Barbie has lost her appeal to older girls. For younger girls playing with a Barbie is much fun, but when you get older you want something chic, says Alina Foley, a shop assistant in a New York toy store. Indeed, sales have been going down over the past year, partly because of the world's economic crisis.    Barbie still has a lot going for her. More and more doll lovers all over the globe have become collectors. They trade Barbies or buy them on eBay. Others look for special and rare Barbie dolls, like Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind.     On the international market, Barbie remains number one. Although Mattel has been selling fewer Barbies in the United States over the past year, sales in other countries have been going up. In January Mattel opened its first Barbie store in Shanghai, where girls can shop, eat or even become their own fashion designer.Barbie has changed her image many times over the past decades. Originally she worn blond pony tails and had bright red lips. In the 80s she changed to a more colorful new look.     For her 50th birthday Mattel is planning some big events. Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new clothes for Barbie. She is also scheduled to be a big star during the New York Fashion Week.How long will Barbie stay on as a celebrity(名人)in the world of toy dolls? Hard to say, but 50 is definitely not the age to retire.The author mentions Bratz in Paragraph 2 in order to show that __________.

A. even pop stars have their own favorite toy dollsB. Barbie is facing tough competition on the marketC. clothing plays the key role in the design of toy dollsD. the toy market has been expanding greatly over the years


讲解:细节理解题。根据第二段提到In today's world, however, Barbie is facing an identity crisis. There are many rivals on the market.芭比面临身份危机,有很多的竞争对手,故选B项。





讲解:A、指代不明 B、语序混乱,应改为这是名模孙燕于200411月拍摄的照片”C、产生歧义,数百位指代不明


20题:It is possible to talk to several complete strangers at the same time through_______.

A. the TV screen    B. a fax machineC. the phone line linked to the computer D. a microphone


讲解:【解析】A电视屏幕 B 传真机 C联网的手机 C麦克风。答案在最后一段point 5中可以知道。


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